
Friday, October 16, 2009

Mini Mummy

How about a fun little treat for Halloween! Here's a mini mummy which was inspired by Julie (aka Paper Jewels) who has this wonderful tutorial on youtube. Not only is Julie a super creative person but she's super nice too! Definitely visit her blog for inspiration! So, back to the mummy - It's super quick and easy. I used the same tag as Julie but put it on shrink plastic to make it fit better on the little candy bar. The Bone Appetit stamp set is super cute and perfect for your spooky treats. You can get it for just $15.95 with a $30 order. I love shrink plastic and it's the perfect accessory on the scrapper's floss belt for my mini mummy! And, it's always good to have a reason to use googly eyes because they're just super fun!!!

Treat parts: fun-sized chocolate bar, crepe paper, palette cognac ink, sponge, lime green and orange scrappers floss, TAC Bone Appetit stamp set, googly eyes

Have fun making some spooky treats!! Happy Stamping!


Jewels said...

That's awesome! I love the "shrunken" version! Jewels

Alley said...

I like what you did with Jewels project...super cute.

Kristine said...

LOL - SO CUTE! Very creative indeed! :)

Jane said...

Too cute Seleise. Feel free to send some mummified chocolate my way!
