A tornado went through town last night. I was called at 10:30 to come over to my boss' house to get in the basement. I usually kind of "ride out" the storms but this storm had damaged 80% of a town about 35 miles from Manhattan so I went. There was a bunch of damage at Kansas State University ($20 million so far) and 30-40 homes were destroyed as well as many damaged. Fortunately, neither my friend's house or my apartment were damaged and all of my other friends are ok too. whew!
Here's a link to a bunch of pics, if you're interested. It's been one crazy spring! Supposedly every Thursday since sometime in April has had a severe storm somewhere in Kansas. I don't ever remember a spring like this one. Be safe!
P.S. wasn't it just 6 months ago when we were covered in ice? What a year!
That must be REALLY scary! I am so glad you and your friends are safe!!! We rarely get tornadoes here - once every few years do they touch down and cause damage, but WOW...how scary to have to deal with that almost every time there is a storm!!! Glad you are safe!
I am so glad you are all okay, too! God Bless.
oh how frightening for you Seleise, so glad that you are safe and your house didn't suffer any damage! it certainly has been a very strange year for weather so far!
I am sorry you had a terrible experinced but thank God you all are safe! thinking of you.
OH MY GAWSH!! That's awful...but I'm so glad you and family and friends are fine!! That IS scary!! And what wierd weather. I went to college in McPherson, KS and we had a tornado go right over our college and hit the one on the other side of town! That was back in '92 though. Stay safe! Thank goodness for your boss' safe house huh?
Wahhh!! How scary!! I'm glad you had a safe place to go! Sounds like you've been having some crazy weather over there!
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