
Thursday, February 28, 2008

A night of fun!

I just got home from the monthly card class that I teach. I am so lucky to have such great ladies to call as friends. We laughed and stamped and played and it was wonderful! I've been teaching my class at home but we've started doing a "tour of homes" via stamping so hey - less cleaning for me! But, you'll love this - I wanted to feature the scor-pal and guess what I left on my crafting table - my Scor-pal! AAARGGHHH! They were great about it and Deb had her trimmer with scorer so we made due (Thanks bunches, Deb!) but geesh! Ah well, that just made it funny too. We made 6 cards. 3 were z-fold card variations like the one in a previous post and 3 were sympathy card made with (ahem) scor-pal lines. Here's a card that has a similar "feel" to the ones we "kind of" made tonight. It was my swap card for the week-end so I made 60 and with the scor-pal, they went really fast!!! :)

And, I had a blast at the week-end stamping retreat that I went to and guess what? I won a card challenge! It was awesome!!! So, here's the card and now I need to buy this stamp set! :) fun, fun! Thanks, Mary P., for letting me borrow the stamps. :)

Happy Stamping!


Jane said...

Congrats on winning the contest! Sorry about forgetting your scor-pal. That'd be the down side of "traveling". When I was a consultant I always feared I'd leave something at home. And occasionally I did forget something and then had to make do. I'm sure the participants understood.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The butterflies are so pretty! Great cards.

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Fun cards!

Kristine said...

OOOO....LOVE LOVE LOVE that butterfly one!! :) I'm so happy for you -- that you have such a great time with friends. Cool beans! :)

Donelda said...

that is a hilarious story. Glad you guys could make it work in the end! I love the card, lots of fun!!

Alley said...

I haven't been here for a bit with busy life, looks like you've had some fun creating!

~Jules~ said...

Great cards!

Marjorie said...

Cute cards!! I love the butterflies!!

Deb said...

Beautiful cards Seleise, your weekend retreat sounded so much fun! glad you enjoyed it!

Ying Pang, said...

beautiful card.